Facts About Astigmatism

Those who suffer from astigmatism must be aware of its consequences. For example, the condition may affect their ability to drive at night, which can pose safety issues. It can also affect their academic performance. Listed below are some Facts about Astigmatism. You can use this information to better understand the disorder and what you can do to manage it.

Myopic Astigmatism

Myopic astigmatism is a condition where the curvatures of the cornea and lens are not matched. The result is blurry vision when you look at objects at a distance. This condition can cause eye strain and even headaches. Treatment is available and can help slow the progression of this condition.

There are two types of myopic astigmatism. One type occurs when a principal meridian is farsighted, while the other is nearsighted. Compound myopic astigmatism results when one or both principal meridians are farsighted, causing the image to appear out of focus.

Hyperopic Astigmatism

If you think you might have hyperopic astigmatism, you should make an appointment with your eye doctor. They can diagnose the condition and offer treatments. Treatments may include glasses or contact lenses that correct the problem. Laser surgery is another option. A thorough eye examination is also recommended every year.

Hyperopic astigmatism can cause blurred vision. This condition affects both eyes. There are two types: simple astigmatism and compound astigmatism. Both forms cause different focal points to be out of focus. In compound hyperopic astigmatism, one principal meridian is farsighted while the other is nearsighted.

Mixed astigmatism

A person with mixed astigmatism usually experiences blurred vision due to the difference in curvature between the two sides of the eye. This condition can also cause problems seeing in low light or in the dark. Corrective lenses or glasses are the best way to correct this vision problem. These lenses help to direct light onto the retina properly. If you suspect that you may have astigmatism, it is best to visit your eye doctor for an evaluation.

The primary cause of mixed astigmatism is an unequal curvature of the cornea. Treatments for this condition include glasses, contact lenses, and laser eye surgery. However, unlike non-mixed astigmatism, this condition is not predictable. This is because there are a variety of possible causes and treatments.

Lenticular Astigmatism

There are two types of astigmatism in the eye: lenticular astigmatism and corneal astigmatism. Both types require corrective eyewear that corrects astigmatism. In severe cases, prescription glasses and contact lenses may be required. A toric lens may sometimes be needed to correct the eye’s astigmatism. In such cases, toric lenses may be permanent or removable like regular contact lenses.

Lenticular astigmatism is caused by a cornea that is curved too much. This causes a refractive error, which means that light will not focus in one spot on the retina. Consequently, the image will appear distorted or blurry. It can also occur when the cornea is irregularly shaped, causing the lens to become distorted.

Corneal Astigmatism

Corneal astigmatism is an optical condition that affects the eye’s shape and clarity. A doctor can determine if you have this condition by measuring the curvature of the cornea. There are two ways to do this. The first is to use a keratometer. This instrument measures light reflecting off the cornea’s surface and are essential for proper contact lens fitting. The other way is to use corneal topography, which provides images and measurements of the cornea and its shape. This type of testing can help determine the amount of astigmatism and the best treatment for it.

Corneal astigmatism is a common eye condition. Most people suffer from some degree of this condition. The irregular curvature of the cornea causes light to be refracted unevenly. This translates to blurred vision. Astigmatism is caused by genetics, and infants born prematurely have a greater risk of developing it.

LASIK Surgery

The goal of LASIK eye surgery is to correct your astigmatism using a cool laser beam to change the curvature of your cornea. Although many stigmatized patients can benefit from the procedure, not all can. Patients must meet a few conditions in order to be considered a good candidate. For instance, they must have dark-adapted pupils, high refractive error, thick corneas, and no systemic conditions. A thorough eye exam will help determine if you are a candidate.

Although LASIK is a safe and effective procedure, it does not guarantee a 20/20 vision. In most cases, patients will have vision significantly improved after undergoing LASIK. Many patients see better than they did before, leading to a newfound sense of independence. Furthermore, patients will experience a higher quality of life, as they will be able to play sports and work without relying on glasses.


Treatment of astigmatism can include a range of options. It can range from contact lenses inserted into the eye to laser surgery, which can correct more severe forms of the problem. A physician can determine the extent of astigmatism by performing a visual acuity test. During the exam, a doctor may use different instruments to measure the degree of the cornea’s curvature.

While there is no single, definite cause of astigmatism, genetics plays a large role. It can also develop later in life or as a result of eye surgery. People with astigmatism often experience both nearsightedness and farsightedness. In some cases, astigmatism can be caused by another eye condition called keratoconus. This eye condition affects the clear tissue in the cornea and results in cloudy vision and sensitivity to bright lights.