Color Blindness – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Color blindness is a common condition, which is often diagnosed in children during routine vision screenings. It typically doesn’t affect a child’s daily functioning, but it can cause problems with learning colors and interpreting instructions and systems that use color codes. If your child seems to be struggling with these problems, make an appointment at Elite Vision Centers.

Red-Green Color Blindness

For those with red-green color blindness, there are several treatments and medical devices to help them see colors clearly. Some of these treatments involve wearing special contacts or glasses. Others involve learning how to recognize and memorize the colors of objects. In some cases, people with color blindness can use smartphone apps to learn how to recognize colors. Children should inform their teachers of their condition since it can affect their schoolwork.

There are three main types of red-green color blindness: protan color blindness (RCV), deuteranopia (Dichromacy), and deuteranopia (Dichromacy). These three types of color vision deficiency are inherited through the X-chromosome, which has an X-linked recessive effect. Although some treatments may improve symptoms, none of them can permanently restore color vision.

Red-green color blindness causes, symptoms, and treatments depend on the cause. The disease is caused by a decrease in the number of cones in the retina. These cells are responsible for detecting light and fine detail. Eventually, cones cannot function properly. In children, red-green color blindness may lead to less sharp vision. In some cases, it can also develop in combination with other vision problems. If it is not diagnosed early, the affected person may never realize that they suffer from the condition.

Blue-yellow Color Blindness

People with blue-yellow color blindness can’t see figures in the blue or yellow range. The disease is caused by damage to the retina, which is responsible for seeing colors. The condition is also known as tritanopia and can be diagnosed through a color-blindness test, such as the Ishihara Color Vision Test, which was invented more than 100 years ago by a Japanese ophthalmologist. During the test, patients look at a series of dots, but they cannot see the numbers. This is because these colors are mixed together, so their normal vision is confused.

Blue-yellow color blindness is caused by changes in a gene called OPN1SW. This gene is responsible for distinguishing shades of blue and green and makes it difficult to distinguish between yellow and blue. The condition can also make yellow appear pink or violet, depending on the degree of the gene mutation. Blue-yellow color blindness affects one in every 10,000 people and is present in both sexes.

Inherited Color Deficiencies

People with color blindness have trouble recognizing and distinguishing certain colors, such as yellow, orange, and red. The condition is typically inherited and affects a small percentage of people. The genes that cause it are found on X chromosomes. In males, there is only one copy of this gene; in females, there are two copies. The lack of a second copy means that the person cannot compensate for the missing one.

Though there is no cure for this disorder, treatments for the underlying problem can improve color vision and reduce the severity of the symptoms. Regular eye examinations and visits to healthcare providers will help you prevent this condition from getting worse. You can also take steps to prevent it from developing by treating any underlying disease that is causing the problem.

A comprehensive eye examination can determine the extent of your color vision problem. During a test called a pseudoisochromatic plate, patients are shown a series of different colored dots. The patient is then asked to identify a number among the dots. Individuals with normal vision, they will be able to recognize the numbers, but people with color blindness will not be able to do this.


If you have noticed that your child is having a difficult time learning to distinguish colors, you should get them checked out by a doctor. This condition is inherited and runs in families. You are more likely to develop this condition if you have a close family member who is colorblind. The best time to catch color blindness in its early stages is before it causes a significant problem.

Acquired color blindness can be caused by a number of different conditions that affect the retina and optic nerve. Your color vision may also be affected by certain medications. Certain antipsychotics, for example, can cause changes in color perception. Also, certain types of antibiotics, such as ethambutol, can damage the optic nerves.

In some cases, you may be able to correct the condition by wearing special contacts or glasses. Other times, a color-corrective surgery can help you see certain colors more clearly.